Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Diverse Writers and Artists of Speculative Fiction


Creators of

A Free forum on why and how we should develop stories in science fiction, fantasy and horror.

Featuring speculative fiction authors Cerece Rennie Murphy, William Jones, Stafford Battle, B. Sharise Moore, Diane Williams, and K. Ceres Wright.

11 AM  to 3 PM
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Long Branch Library
8800 Garland Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910

"This workshop will help people to create high-quality fiction that accurately portrays people of color." -- K. Ceres Wright, President and founder of DWASF

The Lesson of Trees

  Years ago, I wrote a story called "The Lynching". In American history, lynchings were mostly associated with the public executio...