Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Alternate Face of the Future

Early Star Trek aliens always looked like  Europeans with strange facial makeup and weird head gear. Evidently, many 1960s TV producers predicted that white people would easily have conquered the galaxy in the future.  But that is most likely very far from any reality until we actually meet space aliens.

We need to expand our view of a liveable universe that includes many varieties of people and their looks and culture.

Image what Africans would appear to be after years in space and who reluctantly crash-landed on our humble origin world. They would be very different from us. They would have thrived in extreme environments that we did not. But they would still be us.

Do we reject the seemingly Black alien person and say, "You are an ugly SOB. I don't understand your purpose in life."  In those moments, we fail to see the beauty of their inner souls. Humans are cruel at times. We don't mean to be. It is survival in a brutish sense.  However, as we evolve, as all creatures must do, we have to work cooperatively with our environment and other beings, or embrace extinction.  This is destiny. Thus, if you get stupid with your Black neighbor or lover, remember, that regardless of what you initally believed, everyone around you is essential to your well-being.  So, don't hate, try to appreciate and don't judge on appearences or hasty words. Learn to look deeper.

Happy Black History Month!

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