Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Support Nat Turner's Secret


Nat Turner's Secret -- Go Fund Me.

A live reading of Stafford Battle's tale of rituals, rage and  redemption is being performed by a cast of talented and experienced actors on September 23rd. 

This dramatic revolutionary drama  showcases the artistic talents of creators who express their views and solutions to inspire us all. 

We appreciate all your support and suggestions. You can be a part of this now.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Greatest Super Villain: Dr. Anti-Science

The eruption of the deadly COVID-19 virus has exposed more than the extreme corruption in our world governments. The virus has revealed basic problems in our day-to-day society. A disturbingly large segment of people  (who don't understand or openly fear rational, scientific thought)  are likely refuse to consider the positive aspects of science fiction.

Apparently rational citizens who normally would be open to civil discussion on a variety of controversial topics now attack wearing a face mask to prevent the spread of a disease because medical scientists recommend the use of masks. 

Our respected and reputable technologists are the real super heroes. Anti-maskers are today's super villains -- Drs. Anti-Science.

Just a thought to consider. Read more sci-fi. 


Open Borders for All Black/Brown People

  Migration: A Human Right Heartless militarism, ruthless community policing, ridiculous barricading of natural geography, and weaponizing b...