Wednesday, May 3, 2023

 Revenge of the Waters

A Lake Swallows a Prosperous Black Town Because . . . White People Were Afraid

Artifacts of African's smiles, tears, and achievements were drowned and covered over by deep river water.  The bones of churches, banks, and schools lay scattered on the muddy bottom. Ripples remained and propogated. And, so, did revenge. 

The lake is dangerous to swim in. Currents, gators, thick snakes and demonic predators rise from the depths to snatch victims. 

On muddy shores were footprints of monstrous size, bone shards, jagged tooth fragments and long bloody smears over the swamp grass. Not a safe place to be at night, alone.

In the next installment of the AFROFuturist Bible, we explore the revenge of African Mermaids when one of their princesses is captured.

What You Must Know about Diversity in Hiring

The Absolute Truth About DEI I recently reposted a video from a friend about Diverse, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The video was slick, ...