Thursday, March 9, 2017

The New Presidency

Don't dare call him president Trump.  He is simply "45" (the 45th person to legally occupy the White House as leader of the USA).  The truth is, 45 is a bad person. 45 doesn't know the American Dream.   He conned people to vote for him. People who desperately needed jobs and medicine yet felt abandoned by the political system. The Democrats did their best to lose the election by not talking to the people who were hurting the most. 

We must do everything in our power to understand why voters supported this Trump lunatic.  Neither political party gave us a real choice (Bernie was an option).  Therefore, we must consider the following:

a) The gap between the rich and poor has become obscene. The greed of the 1% is horrific. A small tax increase on  Richie Rich and the defense complex could benefit us all. Roads and bridges could be fixed. Every American could get free college education and health insurance. The economy would grow.

b) Elements of the modern media (Fox, Brietbart, etc) are overwhelming us with false representation of the facts of life to brainwash, confuse and enslave just to make the ruling elite richer. Rabid Islamic raiders are NOT rushing our borders.

c) Basic Human rights -- shelter, healthcare, education -- are being crushed. Ruling political families  believe that people of lesser means want to stay poor and live on the cold streets of America. Every human being deserves a chance to prosper, regardless of their status in life.

d) 45 could stumble into an atomic World War III via midnight tweets. He is controlled by foreign powers that want America weakened and democracy destabilized. Only the radioactive cockroaches will survive. So Trump may still be crawling around in the ashes of what he is creating.

We must spread the word. We can stop this.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A Different Review of "Get Out"

A lot has been said and written about Jordan Peele's AFROCentric horror flick "Get Out". The production has captured great reviews and audiences around the country seem to like it--laughing and applauding at the appropriate moments. However, take a different approach that may seem contradictory.

First of all, "Get Out" is not just a "black" film; however, knowing Hollywood, we can expect to see hundreds of knock-off movies based on the "black" horror theme now it has been proven that money can be made from the African American movie clientele.

You could easily switch out the characters and still have a decent movie. The African color adds a special layer of introspection and fun.

The movie employs all the popular tropes of a horror film: boyfriend meets strange family, a party with weird guests,  freaky parents, and a basement were the blood and gore reside. But we so seldom see this genre with black faces that is like feeding raw meat to alligators. There is a frenzy of excitement. The producers exploited all of our "race porn" stereotypes -- i.e.,  Guess Who is coming to Dinner , Blacula and OJ.

This is good movie to see. Be prepare for the tsunami of black horror flicks to come.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

There are many methods to prevent a Trump Dystopia as long as we are willing to RESIST.

1.  Download the Indivisible GuideA practical guide for resisting the Trump agenda. Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.

2. VOTE: We have to vote in local and national elections. We must know who we are voting for.  Therefore, check your local government websites and follow your local politicians.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

American Dystopia 2017 

Election night November 8, 2016, dealt a serious setback to America. This sad state of affairs was first predicted more than 100 years ago.

The Iron Heel
Jack London

The all-powerful super rich rulers of America are challenged by a bold political movement to bring true economic freedom and equal justice to all people regardless of community status, race or gender. 

However, a profit-driven Oligarchy quickly retaliates by crushing a first and second social revolution. 

In his prophetic novel published in 1908, Jack London, one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity status, conjured up a horrific tale that we may be experiencing today in reality.

See my upcoming book review and commentary on the speculative fiction novel: The Iron Heel.You can download the book at Amazon or Project Gutenberg.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Diverse Writers and Artists of Speculative Fiction


Creators of

A Free forum on why and how we should develop stories in science fiction, fantasy and horror.

Featuring speculative fiction authors Cerece Rennie Murphy, William Jones, Stafford Battle, B. Sharise Moore, Diane Williams, and K. Ceres Wright.

11 AM  to 3 PM
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Long Branch Library
8800 Garland Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910

"This workshop will help people to create high-quality fiction that accurately portrays people of color." -- K. Ceres Wright, President and founder of DWASF

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Islam Needs More Science Fiction

Islamic authors produce intriguing Speculative Fiction . . . but we need more. We need artists, thinkers and leaders who can offer a rational explanation of Islam to the Judeo-Christian world using the vehicle we call science fiction. 

How will religion impact our future?  Theology and Sci-Fi are uneasy bedfellows. 
All major religions persistently proclaim that peace and understanding is the proper path to a benevolent and merciful God. Atheists may laugh at the rituals but many devout believers from whatever sect they follow are certain that the other guy is stupidly wrong or murderously blasphemous. Sharia law or Christian fundamentalism or Jewish fearfulness can lead to bloody confrontations and tragedies in the name of blind faith. 

God is good.  But God's followers -- we need to be wary of. 

Eyes need to be opened wide by speculations of what could happen from a different point of view.  We need to see the possibilities of co-existing.

Science Fiction can fix this situation if people are willing to read something other than dogma and rigid religious texts. 

Thankfully, there are writers from all religions willing to offer an alternative view of their beliefs so that we can better understand our world.

Start here: Islam and Science Fiction:

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