Thursday, March 9, 2017

The New Presidency

Don't dare call him president Trump.  He is simply "45" (the 45th person to legally occupy the White House as leader of the USA).  The truth is, 45 is a bad person. 45 doesn't know the American Dream.   He conned people to vote for him. People who desperately needed jobs and medicine yet felt abandoned by the political system. The Democrats did their best to lose the election by not talking to the people who were hurting the most. 

We must do everything in our power to understand why voters supported this Trump lunatic.  Neither political party gave us a real choice (Bernie was an option).  Therefore, we must consider the following:

a) The gap between the rich and poor has become obscene. The greed of the 1% is horrific. A small tax increase on  Richie Rich and the defense complex could benefit us all. Roads and bridges could be fixed. Every American could get free college education and health insurance. The economy would grow.

b) Elements of the modern media (Fox, Brietbart, etc) are overwhelming us with false representation of the facts of life to brainwash, confuse and enslave just to make the ruling elite richer. Rabid Islamic raiders are NOT rushing our borders.

c) Basic Human rights -- shelter, healthcare, education -- are being crushed. Ruling political families  believe that people of lesser means want to stay poor and live on the cold streets of America. Every human being deserves a chance to prosper, regardless of their status in life.

d) 45 could stumble into an atomic World War III via midnight tweets. He is controlled by foreign powers that want America weakened and democracy destabilized. Only the radioactive cockroaches will survive. So Trump may still be crawling around in the ashes of what he is creating.

We must spread the word. We can stop this.

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