Saturday, February 1, 2014

Why We Need More Black Authors

During Black History Month, You Should be Reading Black Authors

Reading is not only fundamental, it is crucial to our lives. When we read, we learn and we expand our horizons. And, we should be learning throughout our entire lives. It is a sad commentary when you ask a friend, co-worker or relative what have they have read recently what websites do they follow and they can't answer the question.

We must read. By reading we discover our history, we have a better understanding of current events and get a glimpse of how to mold our future. Writers of African descent bring much to us in their books. 

Africa is where learning and books began. White historians have long proclaimed that African culture was based on the oral tradition; stories were passed along during camp fires. However, the truth is that Africa had great libraries and cities where scholars gathered to study medicine, astronomy, mathematics, engineering and other sciences. Visit the Tombocutou Manuscripts Project to discover more.

During February, 2014 Black History Month, expand your horizons.Support AFROCentric writers. Read and purchase their books. Give honest reviews online. If you are a writer, publish independently. Promote and make people aware your books.

We desperately need more Black writers. The National Black Book Festival is a good start. In this age of information overload, it is important that Black people tell their own stories. 

Big money will commit billions of dollars to persuade you to vote Republican and against your own best interests. But independent authors will give you a different prospective. 

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