AFROFuturism, a trendy catchphrase, advocates that Black people will be important contributors to the future of humankind. They will be flamboyant superbeings rescuing citizens from burning buildings. African descendants will command spaceships to discover exotic planets and brazenly fist-fight frightening space aliens. People of color will be astonishing academic achievers and civic innovators to end poverty and disenfranchisement. Alternatively, they may become rogue, evil mad technologists and galactic authoritarians seeking to conquer the universe by utilizing fantastic scientific schemes to transform the playing field because sometimes being bad is good.
1) Accurate acknowledgment of human history. AFROFuturism reveals ancient awareness advancing progress. European kings were probably terrified that the African Pantheon of Gods would motivate abducted African men and women around the globe to conduct catastrophic rebellions and endanger royal profits necessary to continue colonial conquests. Thus, native Africans and others were forbidden from openly observing traditional religious beliefs, languages, or culture. Before and after the tragic American Civil War, “Architects of AFROFuturism” promoted intellectual freedom for everyone who was feared and despised by the sadistic ruling elite.2) Popular People Politics. Descendants of slavery may never get complete compensation for the hideous generational depredations of heartless cruelty that occurred in America and around the world. Yet, other ethnic groups have been rewarded generously for similar offenses. There is a demand for better capitalistic activism, allowing all cultural communities to make America truly great. AFROFuturism is a foundation for “alternative” politics to counter the fossilized aristocratic control that maltreats everyone except the reigning oligarchy.3) Redefined spirituality. Judeo-Christian and Abrahamic traditions – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – have extended threads into AFROFuturism, which is not an established “religion” nor a cult. AFROFuturism exposes the virtuous and immoral in dubious belief systems spawned by medieval rulers seeking to control peasants/workers/slaves.4) AI Technology is the new Revolution. Via the AI digital medium, the dispersion of ideas and inspiration—art, dance, music, chat, multimedia—can occur globally, instantaneously. Cell phones, which rely profoundly on AI tech, are essential to our lives. Reserving a parking space, getting a new job, or electing trustworthy politicians requires comprehending 21st-century tools. We must know AI as well as it knows us.5) AFROFuturism advances all of us. It is empowering, enlightening, entertaining, and engaging. It allows people to challenge social wrongdoings nonviolently. It improves relations with others, breaking through collective conditioning and self-imposed intellectual barriers. We grow. Expand. Free your mind, and you know what follows.