Monday, January 13, 2025

Open Borders for All Black/Brown People


Migration: A Human Right

Heartless militarism, ruthless community policing, ridiculous barricading of natural geography, and weaponizing borders have become acceptable in the 21st-century dystopian American nightmare. This is a dire result of our idiotic and cowardly political landscape.

AFROFuturism suggests that we should abandon culturally biased hate that restricts human movement and interaction. We should progress to an adequately administered humane immigration policy. This would be healthy and increase prosperity for newcomers and existing residents. Routes of free and unhindered migration should be established and protected.

There is nothing wrong with having open  (but monitored) borders with friendly countries. 

Other continental regions are embracing aspects of the free transfer of people. The African Union, the European  Union, and other leaders are easing the pathways for individuals to work, gain citizenship, and prosper in areas where they were NOT born. There is no logical nor ethical reason to stop desperate populations of people from improving their lives and enhancing neighboring nations' economies by emigrating to where willing workers are needed.

Political tyrants and their cohorts, for their own personal gains (or insanity), demand the control of people for senseless monetary profits given to the ruling class. 

This is the challenge for AFROFuturists: expose the hypocrisies and build worlds that equally embrace all people via books, music, multimedia, and art.

Consider. Why should we support open borders for black and brown people? White people already have that privilege.          

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