Wednesday, July 25, 2012

New Visitas

After several years, I decided it was time to change my Web appearance. Actually, the decision was forced upon me when my long-time hosting service decided to up their fees. So, goodbye, and hello to the new me on line.

My views and opinions are wide and varied. I consider myself a writer and futurist, mostly; and citizen of the world whenever i find the time. Therefore, the following are the websites that I will be building to accommodate my ambitions:
  • is where I will be blogging; daily!
  • will be the home of my writing endeavors. Sample of my stories as well as links to my online bookstores (Amazon and Lulu).
  • will focus on the sci-fi genre with an African flavor
  • offers a peek into the world of sword and soul, black steampunk, horror, and fantasy
  • is current events, interviews, special announcements and social networking.

How will AI Affect Medical Education In Africa?

Black Doctors and  AI Artificial Intelligence (AI)  holds significant promise for transforming healthcare and has the potential to revolutio...