Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Bad Turn to the Right

I disagree with President Barack H Obama for many reasons. We spend too much money and forfeit too many lives on imperialist conquests overseas in places where the US flag doesn't belong. During Obama's reign, major banks and corporations continue to cheat and steal every penny they can just to make a few CEO's hyper-rich.  The justice system has all but declared open warfare on black men -- jails are crowded with African-Americans who couldn't afford good lawyers or pay to find fair and impartial judges. The Planet earth's environment is swirling down the toilet while we continue to poison the air, rape the land, and build walled mansions for the one percenters.

Of course, I am not the leader of the still most prosperous nation on the planet.  I don't have to live under a microscope while every poop and splash I make is  dissected and analyzed. I don't have to compromise my morals just to allow a tiny glimmer of  sanity to shine and perhaps light a path to a better world. I am not the commander-in-chief of a gigantic military comprised of loyal men and women who only seek to serve their country while risking their lives.

Yes, even though I may disagree with many of President Obama's policies, I am truly horrified by what the conservative right is doing.  It is so blatant, I get chills. Republicans seek to steal this country blind by fixing the game. People will be denied their right to vote. Only the poor and middle class will pay taxes. America will get involved in even more useless wars.  Women will lose their right to govern their own body. More prisons will be built to lock up  more black men and woman. The legal system will harshly punish anyone who makes less than a million dollars. Social security, healthcare, employment insurance will be on the auction block -- sold to the highest corporate bidder.

That  is the type of country that the political right wants. They don't care about people. The political right wingers are mostly rich  and white and male with the right connections and no conscious or caring for anyone not in their social class. The only hope to stop their madness is our power to get involve and to  protest and  to boycott and  to vote. But don't blindly vote for the reelection of President Obama because he is the only choice.  Let everyone running for office  know that you are voting for specific causes such as:
  • everybody pays their fair share of taxes including churches; 
  • school teachers are more important than basketball players; 
  • the earth is our only home and we need to protect it, vigorously; 
  • how we elect our public servants is desperately flawed and corrupt; 
  • we must stop the flood of money purchasing our mayors, senators and judges;
  • we must respect religious freedom including the freedom to NOT believe;
  • guns must be tightly regulated--gun offenders must be treated harshly;
  • build fewer prisons and fund more community colleges; and
  • open a diagloue where all people can discuss their problems and find solutions to help us all.

 Also, lighten up. I may disagree with Obama but in my heart  of hearts, I hope that Obama's heart is in the right place even if his head may be on a slightly different plane.

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